Life throws curve balls at you and they may leave seemingly permanent scars. If you are depressed or unable to cope with circumstances, meet Paarul Singh to achieve happiness from within. She is an accredited life coach and a Hoponopono Practioner, and also holds a diploma in Shadow Work. She is a doctor of Metaphysical Science from Thomas Francais University.
She had a happy and content life but found something missing and her mind which is at a higher consciousness level searched for the link that would fill the gap. Paarul felt the burning need to bring positive changes in the minds of people by mitigating their mental, emotional and physical pain. Her calming presence has helped thousands to find inner peace and stability by following her unconventional but effective methods. The transformational methodology she uses helps people identify their goals, gain clarity and define a path for personal success.
The Covid 19 pandemic has struck fear into hearts, added confusion and chaos to human lives. Paarul is the answer to all your woes as she is the one person who can help you get in touch with your inner self and move on the path to reconcile past hurt and limitations. Once you successfully face your demons, she shows you the path to a higher self, free of fear, disease and problems. Your physical and emotional problems will be mitigated, and the need for side effect inducing medication will reduce and eventually vanish.
This evangelist understands that each individual is unique and so are their issues and path to completeness. Her methodology is experiential and thought provoking. She typically has ten sessions with the afflicted person and has successfully cured diseases like epilepsy and diabetes where patients were suffering and dependent on medicine. Each case has a unique pattern of recovery and all are helped as per their receptiveness to the coaching process.
Humans were born free and should be empowered to live free says Paarul, and helps them do so through her exemplary work.