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“As the world is undergoing a crisis and India is also severely affected. However for us the crisis will be over soon & I will explain why?” says Dr. Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha, Vedic and celebrity astrologer.


Jupiter the ruling planet for India in 2020 is entering Capricorn from 30th June and staying there till 20th November .This is a period which will see a breakthrough and some level of control but till then corona would have taken a turn for worse worldwide.


A complete control over the pandemic will only be achieved between September & November. There are several reasons for the outbreak but most important of all is the collective karmic cycle that has finally caught up with the humanity. A return to “Satvik “lifestyle is an update on corona virus and its cure from acclaimed astrologer @acharyavinodkumar.


People should have faith in almighty and with the spiritual guidance of our soul & ancestors it will give us the faith to fight against this life threatening disease and corona will start losing its grip from India & worldwide from 29th May onwards.


I want to re-iterate that things are moving swiftly & corona cycle will end soon. However, right now the virus is at its peak. But dear readers please remember that the impact of this deadly disease though high, is bound to come down.


Lots of people on social media platforms are asking me if corona will ever end & that do we need to live with this deadly virus throughout our lives?


We had predicted that till 29th May this Virus is going to peak and start losing teeth post that.


So why has there been a delay? Why is the end not in sight? Let me tell you one straight reason from the astrological perspective. 2020 is the year of Rahuji – which makes it a highly volatile and unpredictable year however starting May 30th planet Mars / Mangal will get stronger which will infuse a lot of positive energy to drive the negativity that has been gripping the world.


Hence according to my renewed astrological readings there will be some respite post 29th May & to a certain extent a control on corona virus can be found between September to November 2020 & the disease will ultimately wither away and we don’t have to live with it .


I would advise all my readers to lead as much of a Satvik life as possible. Improve your karmic & energy cycle . Karma is one major reason that nature turned its back towards the humanity.


While you pray I urge you all to send prayers for the departed souls who may have not found the mukti from this world due to lack of a proper send off. My blessings to all.